Sheriff Oscar Martinez Jr. has officially endorsed John Brezik for candidacy as 5th District Council for the City of Hobart.

Learn more about the ways John Brezik has been serving the 5th District by visiting or reach out to John personally with a phone call or e-mail available at

The text of the endorsement is included below:

I have known Councilman Brezik for some time. He has always displayed the energy, enthusiasm, and ability required of a public servant.

I am aware of his firm commitment towards public safety as indicated by increasing the police presence in your area neighborhoods, and most notably by accomplishment of refurbishing Fire Station #2 to provide full-time services to the 5th District residents.

As president of the Fraternal Order of Police Associate Lodge, he has worked tirelessly raising much needed support and funding for our Lake County Animal Shelter as well as the Northwest Indiana Boys and Girls Club endeavors for children in need.

I sincerely request that you vote to re-elect councilman John Brezik on Tuesday, November 5th.

Sheriff Oscar Martinez Jr.