The Northern Indiana Area Labor Federation AFL-CIO has officially endorsed John Brezik for candidacy as 5th District Council for the City of Hobart.

Learn more about the ways John Brezik has been serving the 5th District by visiting or reach out to John personally with a phone call or e-mail available at

The text of the letter is included below:

Dear John,

Congratulations! Your candidacy has been OFFICIALLY ENDORSED by the Northern Indiana Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO.

Our Committee On Political Education (C.O.P.E.) Steering Committee has determined that your positions on working family issues best embody the core beliefs of our organization.

Please fee free to use and/or mention our endorsement in any and all campaign materials (town hall meetings, mailings, website, e-mails, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and don’t hesitate to contact us if we can be of further assistance.

We wish you the best of luck in the future as we work together to continue the fight for political, social and economic justice.

In Solidarity,

Dennis McCafferty

Sharon Patterson
COPE Chair, First Vice President