Lake County Democratic Party has officially endorsed John Brezik for candidacy as 5th District Council for the City of Hobart.

Learn more about the ways John Brezik has been serving the 5th District by visiting or reach out to John personally with a phone call or e-mail available at

The text of the endorsement is included below:

The City of Hobart has been fortunate to grow and thrive under the visionary leadership of Mayor Brian Snedecor and the members of the City Council.

During that time, John Brezik, Fifth District Councilman, has been a leader on the Council, controlling the budget in a fiscally responsible manner, while joining the Mayor in improving the quality of life for all citizens of Hobart.

Additionally, John is one of the leaders of our Lake County Democratic Party, and has been a trusted advisor to me as Chairman of the party.

That is why myself and our Lake County Democratic Party is supporting and endorsing John for re-election to the Hobart City Council, together with Dan Waldrop and Matthew Claussen. These three gentleman, when re-elected, will join with the Mayor in leading Hobart for four (4) more years.


Please make sure that you exercise your right to vote on Election Day or at any of the early voting sites prior to Election Day. Also, please encourage your family members, friends and neighbors to vote as well this election is critical to maintain these three (3) outstanding Councilmen in office for the next four (4) years. 

Hobart has always been a leader in providing a strong democratic vote for our local candidates. I urge you to continue your strong support for our Democratic Team in your fine city of Hobart.

Vote Tuesday, November 5th, 2019 for team

  • Brian Snedecor – Mayor
  • Debra Longer – Clerk
  • William Longer – Judge
  • John Brezik – Council 5th District
  • Matt Claussen – Council At Large
  • Dan Waldrop – Council At Large

Democratically Yours,
James L. Wieser
Lake County Democratic Central Committee

Michelle Fajman
Vice Chairman
Lake County Democratic Central Committee

Christine Cid
Lake County Democratic Central Committee

Peggy Katona
Lake County Democratic Central Committee