Hobart City Councilman John Brezik of the 5th District was named to leadership positions and other roles on committees and commissions as the City Council conducted the Council’s organizational business during the first meeting of the new year taking place Jan. 2, 2019.

During the meeting there was a motion by Mr. Vinzant that was seconded by Mr. Maggio to approve a variety of Council appointments for 2019.

For a complete listing of all appointments for 2019, please visit the City of Hobart website to find the minutes of the City Council meetings or click the following link to see the minutes of this meeting at http://www.cityofhobart.org/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Minutes/_01022019-1191

Brezik was named to the following:

Council Representative for Boards and Commissions

  • Board of Sanitary Commissioners: John Brezik

Standing Committee Appointments

  • Insurance Committee: John Brezik, Jerry Herzog
  • Lights and Hydrants Committee: John Brezik, Matt Claussen

Special Committees

  • Tax Abatement Committee: John Brezik (Chair), Josh Huddlestun, Dan Waldrop
  • Fire Department Committee: John Brezik (Chair), Matt Claussen, Dan Waldrop
  • Master Plan Committee: John Brezik (Chair), Jerry Herzog, Lino Maggio
  • Vacant Buildings Committee: David Vinzant, John Brezik, Dan Waldrop